Backbone and Pioneer of the Divyajyot Ayurvedic Cancer Research Foundation
In the modern times, a highly distinguished saint, the very revered Shri Shri Ma Anantanandji has started the beneficent work of successfully offering treatment and relief to patients afflicted with the most painful diseased like Cancer, Paralysis, Coronary Thrombosis, mal-functioning or failure of Kidney etc. with the help of various diagnostic methods prescribed in the Ayurved Systems of Medicine. What is more, she has almost conquered the disease of cancer which in the modern times has been considered as incurable, with the methods of treatment prescribed by our ancient sages in the system of medicine called Ayurved.
The very revered Shri Shri Maa Anantanandji had acquired this very special knowledge from his teacher and mentor Maharaj Shri Shri Aghoranandji. She put her knowledge in practice in such a way so that it is beneficial to large section of people and it was a result of her inspiration that the Divyajyot Ayurvedic Foundation has been established. Today this seedling of service has taken the shape of a huge banyan tree.
Param Pujya Shri Maa Anantanandji conducted research and made experiments, as a result of which a large number of cancer patients were relieved of their sufferings and sickness. More significantly, a decisive treatment has been found for the lung cancer and the cancer afflicting the urinary bladder. The research effort has been carried out by Param Pujya Shri Maa and other Ayurved researchers at Vehlal Ashram, Gujarat, INDIA.