The hospital at Paldi offers unique combination of Allopathy, Ayurved and Panch Karma theory. On daily basis 250+
patients visit here to take advantage of best quality treatment for diseases such as Cancer, Liver, Kidney and Prostate at very low cost. Panch Karma therapy offers treatment using herbal plants and methods, so that there is no side effects of any kind.

The foundation also cultivates various herbal plants on site, which can be used for treatments to diseases as well as research for new treatments and alternatives with in the field.

The hospital is entirely run by staff of volunteers who spend day in and day out within the seva of patients. These highly skilled volunteers dedicate pretty much their entire life to this particular mission of "Dardi Narayan". The medication prepared with continuous "mantra jap" gives it unique power that brings amazing results.
The Electro therapy, Acupressure as well as Physical therapy treatment is being given to patients so that their rehabilitation can be done in the same complex. The Paldi hospital contains outpatient surgery division, so that the cancer patients receives necessary surgical treatment as well. The Physical Therapy department at Paldi helps patients in recovery after the regular treatment.
Param Pujya Shri Shri Maa also make sure that each and every patient gets same treatment without bias to any community or religion. Param Pujya Shri Shri Maa always conveys one thing "Everyone has same soul", so she does not differentiate anyone.