Cancer Research

Cancer Research

Specially indicated geographic signs and symptoms described in Vaarahmihir Samhita are located on the land and than it are purchased for cultivation of Herbs. Two such locations in Gujarat one of 30 acres and another of 100 acres are owned by us and cultivation developed. All plants are grown organically and planted on the above said land Nurtured by the natural wind and water these plants are prayed a day before collecting in their peak productivity time and seasons described in Ayurveda. The chanting of prayer to the plants is selected from Vrukshayurveda and Veda itself. It is called Aavahanam. Very distinguished researchers work under the guidance of Shri Shri Param Pujya Maa to carry out studies of herbs, it's effects on selected patients through several trials.

According to researchers, there are 45 different type of cancer diseases can categorized as

  • Tridosh Gulma
  • Tridosh Arsha
  • Adhijivhika
  • Maha Swasa
  • Sannipataj mutrakruchhra, etc...

Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment

In ancient times the rishis of vedic discipline have given many methods of treatment which are very similar to modern cancer treatment methods, and also Ayurvedic treatments are without side effects that are widely experienced and feared in allopathic science. 

  • The tumor is applied with medicated oils and an ointment which is then covered with a metal plate made of different metals including gold silver, copper etc. these plates when applied on the tumor in heated state produce radiation which kills cancerous cells.
  • Heated pre-medicated oils are poured on the tumor which is one type of radiation.
  • Medicines are applied on the tumor in the form of a paste bound in bandage and heated, is one type of radiation.
  • Medicated steam is used in Panchkarma therapy to remove toxins from the body. 

Like in modern medicine, Ayurveda devotes one whole section on surgery called Sushrut, given by the sage Sushrut.

In some cancerous tumors maggots start developing in the tumors when gangrene sets in shushrut has given guidelines for natural surgery of these tumors by maggots by allowing them to eat away the cancerous cells and then through herbal medicines and complex surgical procedures the tumor is naturally healed. Since Ayurveda is much older than modern science, it can be inferred upon that modern allopathic science draws it’s roots from Ayurveda.

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